Getting started with SURF (Buyers)

Welcome to SURF! Below we have information to get you started. If you don't see a topic covered here, you can reach us through

Create an account

Please click "Request Demo" on our official website. You can enter your company profile, project details, desired demo, etc. Please enter any other questions here.

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From here, you can log in with your email address and password.


When you log in from your buyer account, the following topics are displayed on the home screen.

1) Featured Playlists curated by SURF team

2) SURF's Top Picks

3) Featured creators

Market Place

You can find the perfect song by searching with text, by tag, or a combination of both.

1) 🔍If you enter text in the search field, the songs matches with your text are displayed.
2) In "Browse by Genre", you can search for songs by specifying your favorite genre.

3) In the "Browse by Instrument", you can search for songs by specifying your favorite instrument.スクリーンショット 2022-12-19 17.26.46

4) In "Browse by Key", you can search for songs by specifying your favorite key.

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5) If you press "Advanced Search", you can search in more detail by combining BPM, genre, key, instrument, vocal gender, etc. and pressing the "Apply" button.

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6) You can press "Like" or add to playlists for your favorite songs or songs you want to review later.

Press the ♡ next to the song to "Like" it, and press the three dots on the right side to "Add to Playlist".

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By pressing "Library", you can view the playlists you have created, the songs and playlists you have "liked", and the creators you are following. You can also upload your own songs and playlists from your computer.


To create a playlist, press the plus button at the bottom left of the "My Playlists" page. You can create playlists of songs on SURF's marketplace, or import playlists from your computer.

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You can also submit songs from your computer by selecting "My Tracks".

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You can browse all creators on the SURF marketplace.

By selecting the tab for each creator,  you can view their profile and submitted songs. You can also follow the creator by pressing the "Follow" button. Creators you follow are always shown in your library.

If you want to unfollow, press "Unfollow".

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Click the "Brief" tab at the top of the screen, then click "New Brief" at the top left of the screen. (Alternatively, you can press the plus button at the bottom left of the screen to create new brief.)

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By doing so, the following screen will be displayed. You can fill in the information of the song requirement and tag the characteristics of the song.

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When you have finished filling in the brief information, press the "Create" button at the bottom of the page to complete.

Please check that the Brief you created is published by clicking the "Brief" tab.

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To modify the published Brief, tap your own Brief and press "Edit Brief".

Also, you can check the songs submitted to the Brief from "♪ Total Submissions". (The number indicates the total number of songs submitted.)

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If you click "♪ Total Submissions", the list of songs submitted to your brief will be displayed. Select "View" to listen to the song.

Click "Manage" to display the information of the song, and you can view the details of the song, hold, reject the song, etc.

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In the "Hold" tab, you can view the songs that you have held.

You can Hold songs submitted to the Brief created by you. "Brief" > "Tap your Brief" > "Total submissions" > "Manage" > "Hold"  You can hold them by doing this.


Account Setting

You can select the "Settings" by pressing the tab in the blue frame on the upper left of the screen.

You can change page language settings, profile settings, email addresses,  passwords, and your billing information, etc.

If you want to log out,  click "Logout" at the bottom of the page.

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