1. FAQs
  2. Account & Subscriptions

How do I get started with my account?

A) Add a Creator Profile
To add additional creator profiles, you must go to the settings page under your account using the menu under the top right corner where your account name is.

In the settings tab, go to "Creator Profile" second from the top

Scroll to the bottom to find "New Artist Profile"

Your new profile should now be added, and you will be able to toggle between the accounts in the dropdown

B) Upload Songs:
Go to the "Library" tab in the navigation bar up top and hit the "Upload Tracks" button to the bottom right of the screen.


You can drag and drop files up to 100 tracks at once or choose to upload a batch from your desktop. If you want to see how a song might do on our platform during the trial, we recommend you have a batch that is approved by your writers to submit. Once your songs upload to the platform you will notice that they are all tagged automatically for the genre, mood, bpm, instruments, vocals, etc...


*Please note that anything that is on the cloud will have to be downloaded to your desktop first prior to upload

C) Search

Once you upload your songs, you will notice there is are two methods to search your catalog:
1. Advance Filter Search: which utilizes the auto-generated tags on the song

2. Intelligent Search: which allows you to input an audio reference link from Apple Music, Spotify, Youtube, SoundCloud, Vimeo to search the closest matching songs in your catalog

1. "Advanced Filter Search
- Select the tags that you want to search and scroll to the bottom to hit "Apply"
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2. "Intelligent Audio Reference Search"

Search using a direct URL or by Uploading a file

Pick a URL of your choice and paste it into the search to find the closest matching results in your "Library"

D) Briefs

To navigate briefs that you can submit songs directly to, go to the "Briefs" tab in the top navigation bar.

Open a brief to read the details. You can directly submit a track from your Library (only tracks in the marketplace for now) by clicking the submit track button on the left hand side under the profile image

Click on the song that you want to submit


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