This article describes the functions and usage of Briefs for Buyers.
A "Brief" on the SURF platform is where Buyers can upload creative leads for their upcoming artist projects. In the same way that leads are typically distributed among a label's network of publishers, producers, and songwriters, the brief function allows labels to gain instant access to SURF's vast network of Creators — sourcing and organizing high quality demos has never been easier!
You can create a new brief or navigate through your existing briefs in the Brief dashboard (shown below).
To begin creating a brief, click "New Brief" at the top right of the screen, or click the "plus" button at the bottom right of the screen.
In the brief creation portal, you can include as much relevant information about the project as you'd like, including reference tracks, deal terms, desired genres, and more.
You may also choose to set the identity of the artist to private. This can be toggled at the bottom of the screen.
When you have finished filling in the brief information, you can save the brief as a draft or publish it directly to the dashboard.
To modify the published Brief, you can press "Edit Brief" in the lefthand tab of the brief details card. You can also keep track of brief submissions by clicking "Total Submissions" on the bottom left tab.
By clicking "♪ Total Submissions," the list of songs submitted to your brief will be displayed. Select "View" to listen to the song. You can also accept or reject brief submissions by clicking "Manage."
You can also click "Open Playlist" to access the full playlist of brief submissions, where you can rate tracks, add and remove tracks, and more. Check out this SURF Knowledgebase article to learn how to manage a playlist.