Getting Started with SURF (Creators)

Welcome to SURF! Below we have information to get you started. If you don't see a topic covered here, you can reach us through

Create an account

You can register by selecting "Sign Up" from here and fill out the required prompts. Enter your name, email, phone number, password, select your role/position, and click Register.

Visit our website to know more about our membership. 

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From here, you can log in with your email address and password.


If you log in from your creator account, you can view the following information on the top page.

1) Latest information on the world market

2) Brief information where you can submit your unreleased demo.


The library allows you to upload and manage your own songs and playlists. You can upload files from your computer by clicking the plus button at the bottom left of the screen.

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When you upload a song to the SURF platform, it automatically identifies, classifies, and tags by genre, mood, key, BPM, instrument type, etc. With this function, you can automatically generate playlists and smoothly search for songs for Briefs.


You can check the details of the song by clicking "View".  You can also edit the details of the song and share (copy the link).

Also, by pressing the "Submit to Marketplace" tab, you can publish the song to buyers on the SURF marketplace. This can be unpublished at any time by pressing "Remove from Marketplace".

Related Articles: What is Library and how to use it.

How much storage do I have with the Pro Plan?

How does the platform generate automatic tags when I upload my music to my library and the Marketplace?

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 You can view the Briefs  by clicking the "Briefs" tab at the top of the screen.

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By clicking "Read more", you can check the details of Briefs, the proposed fee, the deadline, the genre of the music, and other necessary informations.

By pressing "Submit Songs", you can submit the songs you have uploaded on the SURF platform to the Brief.

Related Articles: What is Briefs?

How do I submit songs to creative briefs?

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 In the "Holds" tab, you can view your own songs that have been held.

Click "Details" to check the Brief information your song is on hold.


Related Articles: What is Hold?

If a hold request or offer is made, can I decline it? What is the process of negotiation?

What is the SURF process once a song is on hold?

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In the "Profile" tab, you can view your profile and the songs you have uploaded.

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Set Up Multiple Creator Profiles

From Settings, click "Edit Profile" to display your logged-in creator profile.スクリーンショット 2023-05-11 12.17.44

Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click +New Artist Profile.

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You can enter your new creator name, username, region, profile picture, etc. If you have a manager, select "I have a manager" to set contact information.

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You can set the social media URL, award history, and genre of the creator's song. After filling in the necessary information, click "Save" at the bottom of the screen. 

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To switch accounts, click the account name at the top right of the screen to display all registered accounts and select from there.

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Account Setting

You can select the "Settings" by pressing the tab in the blue frame on the upper left of the screen.

You can change page language settings, profile settings, email addresses,  passwords, and your billing information, etc.


If you want to log out,  click "Logout" at the bottom of the page.

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